Bae and I celebrated our first Valentine’s Day together (insert heart emoticon here!).
I decided to get festive in a pink Marissa Webb dress and Tom Ford Padlock Pumps.
I popped a blood vessel in my eye! What had happened was: I had food poisoning and was throwing up as a result (feels like TMI already!). The force of my expulsions caused blood vessels to pop in both eyes (never happened before, it was bizarre!). The great thing is: popped blood vessels are benign. I can still see, it doesn’t hurt, and my eyes aren’t infected. The bad: the only cure is time. Broken blood vessels in the eye take 1-2 weeks to heal; in the interim, you just give Fetty Wap/Zombie swag.
Of course life doesn’t stop, and I was already booked to speak on panels, go to events, etc. So during the day, I just put on some sunglasses and got my Kanye on.
Though I whitened my eye below, you can still kinda see it.
I was going to use this post to wax on about Love, but I’m a pretty private person, so I nixed that idea! But what I will say: Life is too short not to do what or be with who you love. GOD has placed you on this earth for a purpose, and GOD places certain people in your life for reasons. I’ve always been one to follow my heart, even if it seemed to lead me off a cliff! Even with Paris, I was poor, confused, and unsure, but I learned SO MUCH from pursuing my love and I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything.
It is just my personality to do what I love, no matter what anyone else thinks. Live to please yourself, not other people. And if you feel in your heart you’re doing what is meant for you, GO FOR IT.
Love & Light!
Images: Lorenzo Diggins (new LA photographer, you like?)