The Bomb Life

0 In Claire's Life/ Prada/ Style

The Perfect Match Dinner Style Diary: A Vintage Jean Paul Gaultier Eiffel Tower Printed Top, Muehleder Skirt, and Prada Sandals

So last week was all about The Perfect Match!
After attending a screening for the Rom Com, I was invited to a dinner, courtesy of Pynk Magazine.
9 Pynk Magazine's The Perfect Match Power Dinner Honoring Cassie Ventura
Cassie and I had a good time sipping Ciroc and talking fashion and style.
Pynk Magazine's The Perfect Match Power Dinner Honoring Cassie Ventura claire sulmers fashion bomb daily
99 A Vintage Jean Paul Gaultier Eiffel Tower Printed Top, Muehleder Skirt, and Prada Sandals claire sulmers fashion bomb daily cassie ventura

A Vintage Jean Paul Gaultier Eiffel Tower Printed Top, Muehleder Skirt, and Prada Sandals claire sulmers fashion bomb daily cassie ventura
Because the film is all about romance, I went for a flirty vibe with a vintage Jean Paul Gaultier shirt and a fit and flare skirt by Muehleder.
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I played up the red accents in the top with red lips (Cherry Blossom by Coloured Raine is my new obsession) and Prada sandals.
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I have been on a SERIOUS shopping diet lately, but can’t wait to invest in some new spring accessories:)
At any rate, what do you think?

Images: Karl Pierre

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