Last night I went a party, where the only people I knew were the hosts. Yet and still, I managed to connect with a few people and enjoy myself without feeling insecure or uncomfortable.
I learned how to be ok with going to events solo from my time in Paris. When I moved there, I knew two people in the whole city, which meant several parties full of strangers who, in addition to not knowing me, also didn’t speak my language!
A few tips:
*When all else fails, start at the bar. It’s a comfortable place, but don’t stand by the punch bowl all night!
*Find a friendly face and strike up a conversation. Usually I just search for people I have something in common with. A compliment always helps to kick things off. Also, consider wearing something compliment worthy (a jazzy pair of shoes) so people can return the good vibes.
*Ask people questions about themselves. You’d be surprised (or not), but most people LOVE to talk about themselves and feel flattered when you take an interest in them.
Of course I’ve had rare occasions where it was just not happening. I remember I went to this Dior book launch and struck up a conversation with two girls who seemed to be around my age. They looked at me like I was crazy. Though I must say, I did meet a fabulous artist and painter. That said, if the situation becomes too painful, leave!
In most cases, however, people come to a party to socialize. So don’t be afraid to talk to someone new. You never know what could develop.
Love + Light!
*I’m wearing a G Star Raw Rovic jumpsuit, Stuart Weitzman Lace Up Sandals, and Avi Gichee frames. Shout out to @Live_n_loc for laying the hair down by the river. Yasss!