New York Fashion Week is OVAH (does a praise dance and the tootise roll!). I love Fashion. Lord knows I do. But as I get older, Fashion Week just sucks the life out of me. And I can’t do the things I normally like to do like…exercise, eat well, and get sleep! So today, I slept in honey, and it felt so good. And now, even though my friends are asking me to come over and eat curry chicken or go to bars on the LES, I’m taking today to WORK.
My answer to when life gets difficult: put your nose to the grindstone. As entrepreneurs, you have to work around the clock. Noone is going to give you a golden parachute or write you a check. You receive in proportion to what you give in service to the world. The more people you make happy, enriched, or fulfilled by means of whatever talent or gift you have, the more you receive in riches, whether spiritually or material. You have to give to the world to receive.
Of course I want a cocktail! I love curry chicken. But this time in my life reminds me of finals time when I was in college. The tests are coming up and you have no choice but to close yourself off and do what you gotta do.
As an adult, you don’t have an exam or a teacher giving you a deadline. You have to give yourself deadlines and create your own exams. You have make yourself study instead of kicking it with your homies. It takes lots of discipline and it can be lonely. But if you want that A…or that yacht…or private jet…unlimited clothing budget…I could go on….
Just say no (within reason). And get to work. I’ll serve drinks and curry chicken on my Yacht for my next birthday:)
Love + Light!
*I’m wearing a one of a kind Flowers, Tigers, and Snakes So Fly Denim Jacket by 5:31 Jerome’s line 9JBX. A lot of people think it looks like Gucci, but Jerome insisted he used the snake patch first…! You know how these companies get ‘inspired’…
In Bomb Life 101/ Claire's Life/ Style
The Bomb Life 101: It’s OK to Take a Day and Just Do You in A 5:31 Jerome 9J BX Narratives Patch Denim Jacket (Flowers, Tigers, and Snakes, So Fly)