The Bomb Life

4 In Bomb Life 101/ Claire's Life/ Style

The Bomb Life 101: I’m a Fashion Industry Survivor!! In a Tope FNR Sequined Camouflage Skirt

So Interview #2 went down for my potential future reality show. And while the first meeting was more a ‘getting to know you’ meeting, #2 had me speaking on camera about my journey in the fashion industry.
Fashion Bomb Industry Surivor Claire Sulmers Tope FNR Sequins Topshop Jacket Marta McAdams
I tend to hold back, but for this tape, I told all: about how I’ve been told NO from the beginning. No, you can’t be in the fashion department. No you can’t come to the show. No, you’re not on the list. No, you can’t get the interview. I’ve jumped hurdles, faced brick walls, and powered through barriers over the past 10+ years I’ve dedicated to this career.
Fashion Industry Survivor claire sulmers tope fnr
There were times I felt discouraged, when I wondered: Why I am Doing this? There were times I was too poor to buy new clothes, and times I was too poor to buy a decent meal. Times I was called a nobody, screamed at, sneered at, and told this wasn’t for me. I kept on.
Fashion Bomb Industry Surivor Claire Sulmers Tope FNR Sequins Topshop Jacket Marta McAdams
Thank GOD for the digital era, which has democratized this whole process. We don’t need anyone to tell us YES aside from ourselves and the people who enjoy what we do. And it’s the struggle that makes for an even more interesting story in the end, no?
3  Fashion Bomb Industry Surivor Claire Sulmers Tope FNR Sequins Topshop Jacket Marta McAdams
I learned early to have thick skin, and throw blinders up to whatever negativity comes my way! So I think I’ll be ok if/once this show gets the green light. And who knows, maybe once the industry is exposed, they’ll start to change their ways.
claire sulmers fashion bomb daily survivor fashion industry
For now, the sky is the limit! If I can survive, so can you;)
Love & Light!
*I came up with this outfit on the fly, but this post was inspired by Destiny’s Child’s Survivor.

“I’m a survivor, I’m not gone give up, I’m not gone stop..I’m gone work harder…!”

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