Last night I had the wonderful opportunity to go on set for Yo Gotti’s new music video featuring Chris Brown.
There is still a surreal quality to my life. I’m like WTF, when did I just start hanging out with multi platinum celebs? But I go with it!
While there, I began to reflect on what a blessing it is to be in such exclusive rooms, and I also started to think about how one should act in those situations, should one want to be invited again. Without further ado…
1. DO be cool
Celebrities are busy people with a lot on their minds. They can also be very particular and of course wary of outsiders. Just be cool. Last night, Chris Brown was standing right next to me. I coulda gawked like a slackjawed yokel or even snuck a picture. But I didn’t. I just stood there. Be cool. They encounter a million crazy fans on the daily, and would probably prefer not to have crazed fans in their personal or professional space. So calm down even if you’re doing cartwheels inside.
2. DON’T take Pictures or Snapchat without Permission; DON’T Post Without Permission
A lot of things going on might be classified. Maybe the label doesn’t want images leaking. Maybe Chris Brown doesn’t want to take a selfie with you! This goes for anyone in general, but particularly celebrities. Do not take pictures or record anything unless you know it’s ok. Be respectful of the space. Also, don’t post pictures without permission. I took the picture above with Prince Royce in August and just got clearance to post a couple weeks ago (I actually posted it by mistake, then was asked to take it down. I complied). Stars need to protect their image. Only release or do what is approved.
3. Don’t Blog or Write About Anything Scandalous you Might See
Of course egregious Harvey Weinstein level scandals aside, if you see something, say nothing. Mind ya business. Reporting on stuff you’re not supposed to or being a gossip will be your ticket out of the door. Being in exclusive situations requires a lot of trust. Don’t run to TMZ with the tea unless you want to risk never stepping foot into those rooms again.
4. DON’T bring your friends
This is huge and would apply to any situation. If you are invited, ONLY you are invited. If you are cleared for a plus one or a camera or video crew in advance, cool. If you want to take video or pictures, clear it with management, not with someone’s homeboy. If you’re not cleared to bring a crew or entourage, come alone. I personally hate when I think one person is coming and they bring their ‘assistant’ and ‘creative director.’ It’s rude. Don’t bring your mamma and your cousin unannounced.
5. DON’T speak unless you’re spoken to. DO wait for an introduction.
This one leaves a little wiggle room. If you feel comfortable and striking up a conversation makes sense, then talk. But if not, just observe and have a good time. If you want to meet a celeb, have someone they know or trust (friend, publicist, stylist) introduce you. Also, when you speak, don’t pitch your next mixtape. Just reference point #1 and be cool. Try to just have a normal conversation.
Bonus: DO Be Gracious and Kind
It’s the entertainment industry. People can be crazy, cranky, grumpy, or hangry. Let them act badly if they want to. You always do the right thing. Greet everyone. Smile. Chat (within reason). Say goodnight even if noone says goodnight back. When creating, artists need positive energy and people who are around because they genuinely support what’s going on. Be that beacon of light in a sea of darkness.
And with that, I leave you with Love & Light.
Have great weekends!