At Fashion Bomb Daily, there’s nothing we love more than an amazing celebration! All birthdays are special of course, but it’s imperative that we acknowledge and memorialize in good cheer our legends to make their day extra special; not to mention the extraspecial guests that will make the occasion just as grand!

The amazing Reverend Al Sharptoncelebrated his 65th Birthday last night at the New York Public Libraryon his actual birthday (0ct. 3rd)– and it’s safe to say the profound activist and one of the Nation’s most treasured leaders had a ball! Special guests spotted throughout night included our very own EICClaire Sulmers, Aisha McShaw,Spike Lee, Kim Hatchett, Tracy Maitland, Karen Hatchet, Nina W. Cooper, Gigi Richardson, Frank Cooper, Erika Munro, Midwin Charles, Michelle Gadsden-Williams, Pamela Cook, Teresa Lyles Holmes, Nely Galan, Marvet Britto, T.J. Holmes, Marilee Fiebig,Robert Deniro, Mayor Bill DeBlasio,Samuel L Jackson, and many many more. As if their presence wasn’t enough, everyone looked absolutely stellar with many ladies opting for Aisha McShawdresses (including Claire herself)!

Let’s get into what had to be an epic night filled with lighthearted pleasure and sweet memories:

Good times were had by all.

What do you think?
Images: Nyki Elle
*Thank you to Tanya Lombard of AT&T for the wonderful invitation!
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