I always like to peg myself as the world’s best multitasker.
It’s not bizarre for me to be getting my makeup done while watching TV, checking my phone, Instagramming, and writing at the same d*mn time. Sometimes I feel like superwoman! But one of my mentors recently shook me to reality: when you multitask, you are in fact doing each task poorly. He encouraged me to, instead, focus on one thing at a time. Turn off my phone. And channel my energy into one thing.
The one thing I’ve been working on building is my personal brand. Yes, I created Fashion Bomb Daily (pops champagne!), and now FBD is on its way to operating without me. So the focus should be on me, right? But, it’s not. Old habits die hard, and it is 100% part of my routine to wake up, go straight to my computer, and see what’s hot in celeb land. I send emails, hop on GroupMe, and basically do anything, but ME. Why is it so hard?
I know that if I poured as much energy into the ‘Claire Sulmers’ brand and The Bomb Life book, I could open up a whole new lane for myself. But I guess with maturity, one must learn to put yourself on your own ‘to do’ list.
Schedule those spa days! Have planning meetings about your personal brand. If Fashion Bomb Daily has several posts a day, who says The Bomb Life can’t? If FBD can have 30 posts per day on IG, can I manage one or two per day for mine?
As our former First Lady Michelle Obama says, “We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own ‘to do’ list.” I am a work in progress.
Watch me work.
Love + Light,