If you read FashionBombDaily or follow me on Instagram, you’d assuredly know that I’ve been running around like a dern chicken with its head cut off for the past week!
From London Fashion Week, I went to Milan, then zipped to LA for Essence Magazine’s Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon.
I was so close to ‘doing what I do’ on this site…which is basically rehash what I wrote on FBD with a few twists and turns thrown in for fun. But really, I want to talk about boobs. It’s been on my mind. What better time to take it on but now?
So, ok. First thing’s first: I met Oprah (Oprah!!!!!!!!!). If you look at any one else’s Instagram feed from the luncheon, they met Oprah, too. She was hard to get to, she had Secret Service Security, but she was there, she was taking pictures, I digress. Everyone loves Oprah, but I LOVE Oprah like: Oprah, you inspire me. Oprah, I want to emulate your career. Oprah, you make me proud to be a black woman. At any rate, meeting Oprah was HUGE:
Of course, FBD readers shared in my joy (love you!). But one crab apple left a comment, saying, “Happy for [your] accomplishments but your top choice is all wrong. Your boobs are waaaay to big for that top especially in white. You should dress for your body type. I know you give the big girls life and all but please stop with the stuff that is ill [fitting] and inappropriate for your large chest.” Hmmm, I just knew that was coming…!
I’ve had ample bosoms since elementary school. When I was in 4th grade, I was dismayed when my mom threw an ugly training bra in my direction. I guess I was jiggling too much in PE class! Ever since, I’ve had a love/hate relationship with my boobs, especially when it comes to fashion (I never posted the look below to the site because I thought my boobs looked too big).
I love my boobs in general. They’re a part of my anatomy. I can’t cut them off (though a stylist friend once suggested I should. Yes, he proposed I get a breast reduction. For Fashion? Please!).
At any rate, I hate them when…I can’t wear a backless or strapless dress. The buttons of my button down shirts pucker. When I can’t zip a dress up because they’re in the way. When my headlights are on and everyone calls me out on it.
When I get a jumpsuit in the correct size, but my boobs are still smushed on the side.
When a dress fits me in the waist, but not in the chest, so I have to buy extra fabric and get it tailored.
At any rate, cups that runneth over can be a problem. So what’s the solution? I hide them a lot. I’ve learned to pose so I’m turned a bit if not completely to the side.
I wear oversized tops to minimize their girth. I unwittingly engulf them in fabric, and sometimes forget just how big they are!
But, for Essence, I decided to embrace what GOD gave me. Not in a way that was trashy (in my opinion), I mean…you can get a little saucy when it comes to large breasts with tons of cleavage and low cuts. But I wore a sweater from American Apparel. Size Large (they don’t go bigger). I actually purchased another crop top from Zara (size large) that barely covered my bra. Thankfully, I found another one that did! There was no other way for the top to fit, but tightly. And I think it looked great.
We all have body issues. Big hips. Big bellies (I’ve got one of those, too). Big bodies! Of course the world might be uncomfortable that you’re not nimble like a ballerina. But you don’t have to hide: embrace it.
Of course search for things that truly flatter you. I mean…I can’t say I wasn’t hesitant about wearing a crop top and high waisted skirt, especially with my big boobs and belly! Obviously not every combination will work, but this one did. Just rock it.
And there you have it! Not your typical Style Diary, but I felt inspired to speak on the topic. Call it the Oprah effect.
Tell me about your journey to body acceptance.
Photos by Mark Martin.
*Read More: Bras and Undergarments for Big Busts and other Tailoring Tips…I have a ton!