In Bomb Life 101/ Career/ Lifestyle Bomb Life 101: Make Specific Goals and Write Them Down + 5 Motivational Must Read Books As the New Year swiftly approaches, it’s high time to reflect back on the past 365 days and also plan for the next fabulous… Continue Reading →
In Alexander Wang/ Brian Atwood/ Career/ Claire's Life/ Helmut Lang/ Moschino/ Style New York Style Diary: A Helmut Lang Blazer, Alexander Wang Tank, Moschino Bad Girl Belt, and Brian Atwood Abell Studded Sandals So in the past few weeks, I’ve been seriously contemplating what I’m going to do in the next chapter of my career. Sorry to… Continue Reading →
In Bomb Life 101/ Career/ Claire's Life Started from the Bottom: Claire’s 6 Tips on Breaking into Fashion Someone asked in a prior post how I started in the biz, so I decided to give you a bit of insight on what… Continue Reading →