So, I have a confession: sometimes I don’t wash my makeup off.
Part of it is laziness! But sometimes I have events on consecutive days, so keeping makeup on is cost effective.

Makeup Day One

Same Makeup Day Two
While my skin is thankfully resilient enough to handle makeup (most times), sometimes I get pimples. No surprise. So, the other day, I decided to treat my skin to a facial, using a gift card I received from Spafinder.

I analyzed NYC spas based on their rating, and settled upon Allure Day Spa because it had 4 out of 5 stars and decent reviews.

Now, NO SHADE to Allure: it wasn’t terrible and the people working there were super nice (they allowed me to sit in the waiting area after my facial to finish up a post for FBD). BUT, there were a few things that left me wanting.

First, the place was loud. I didn’t read that it was also a hair salon, so while I was looking to zone out and relax, I heard a hair dryer going on high speed. The woman doing my facial was rough. And while I was looking to escape all thoughts of work or responsibilities (if just for an hour), she started asking me about what I do, where I live. Which is FINE if that’s what ya want, but that wasn’t what I was there for. I wanted my skin to be poppin, and to feel relaxed and refreshed!
At any rate, I’ve been to L’Institut Sothy’s before, which is bomb.

And a few people on Snapchat had recommendations for Mario Badescu, Deify Spa, Ohm Spa, Floating Lotus, and Joire’s Beauty Studio.

But I’m down to hear your thoughts for your fave NYC spas!
Self care is so important. And in the midst of life’s chaos, I think it’s important to treat yourself to something relaxing, transportive, and good for the mind and spirit.

Let me know your recs below!
Images: Visuals by Pierre