So my birthday is Thursday, January 12th!! Yasss, Capricorn Season is here!
While my friends are blowing me up, asking about drinks and dinner plans, I am not interested. All I wanna do is…absolutely nothing.
I’ve booked myself a sumptuous hotel room and a spa service. Ordering room service, reading books, journaling, and maybe just maybe putting my laptop and phone away sounds like the best day everrrr.
It’s crazy that time alone is seen as a luxury for me. But every day is a party! I party all the time. Every Day! So I want to have the luxury of doing the exact opposite.
Of course, since I’m in NYC, I’ll be recording my day (just a bit). Stay tuned here and on the Gram for the recap:)
Love + Light,
*If you have recommendations on where I should go, leave ’em below!
**PS It would also be a FABULOUS bday present if you could buy my book! Get it here.