“The power suit is a vital component of any man’s wardrobe regardless of his profession because it serves as his modern day suit of armor. A power suit demands to be in dark shades of blue, charcoal, and a very dark brown with an exquisite silk tie in deep, rich tones…”
Hop on google, and that’s the description you’ll find of a power suit (if this sounds like the introduction to a junior high school essay, bear with me). When I was younger, I wanted to be an international business woman. Why? I loved to travel, so always saw myself on a plane. And I wanted to be a business woman to make money (duh). It’s crazy how this vague notion has become a reality. I’m on a plane 50% of the time. I run a business whose main component (internet) didn’t exist when I dreamt of this career as a young child.
As a business woman, I’ve adopted a power suit, and at times, it does act like a modern day suit of armor. But instead of blue, charcoal, or very dark brown, I do it up in red, pink, white, blue, and gold and blue stripes.
I know a lot of people might look at me and think: what does she know about business? I need some receipts!
Yesterday, as I settled into my seat in first class (the upgrade was only $75), I sure enough stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the button ups and khaki slacks. But I’m all about stepping outside of the black/gray/white box and creating something new, and maybe even demanding to be seen as I stand in my power.
No, it’s not male, not it’s not white. It’s actually black and female with natural hair clothed swaths of bright colors.
The power suit can take on different forms depending on the person, and the definition continues to evolve over time.
Though I typically only ask for submissions for FBD, I’d love to see your interpretations of a power suit. Send em to Submissions@FashionBombDaily.com. They all go to the same place;)
Can’t wait to see! I’ll post ’em here.
Love & Light,
*My red suit is from Virgos Lounge.