Happy Friday, folks!
Last night, we were blessed to host a special VIP screening of Men in Black, International!

The film is historical in the Men in Black Franchise, as it is the first time a woman of color, Tessa Thompson, is featured in a leading role as a suited up agent.

Thus, the theme was #WomeninBlack to celebrate the strides women like her are making in infiltrating spaces typically dominated by men.

Reality starsYandy Smith and Jessie Woostopped by, as did influencers Rae Holliday and Starring Sara, celebrity stylist Mickey Boom, and designer Liana Zavo.

Our dress code call for black. Take a look at some of our stylish guests:

As for me, I was instructed to dress in character, so I dusted off my Lisa Nicole Cloud Collection suit, slipped on a tie, and finished with a pair of shades.

As Will Smith said in the first Men in Black, “I make this look good.”
It was a great time and the movie was light hearted and funny. Tessa Thompson did an amazing job, as did her co star Chris Hemsworth. Check out a trailer below:
Be sure to check it out tonight and this weekend! You won’t regret it. And it’s fun for the whole family.

If you’d like to be added to the list for our next event, it’s easy! Purchase a VIP ticket to ConvosWithClaire for endless perks. Our next event is in Atlanta this weekend! RSVP at CWCATL.eventbrite.com.

Until next time: What do you think?Images: Nyki Elle