So you know how I wanted to spend a few weeks in LA to see how I felt about Tinseltown?
Well, I’m excited to announce that my decision has been made: I’m moving.
There’s been lots of sun and fun. There have been some disappointments and some lonely moments. But after taking a full view of everything, I think it will be a good move. A lot of young people ask me if it makes sense to move in service of their careers. The answer is yes.
Of course my ambitious self wanted to be chopping it up in the closets of A listers and conducting interviews within 2 weeks of planting my feet on LA soil. Things will take a little longer, but at least I’m here. And half the battle is showing up. You know how you hear about being in the right place at the right time, and then being ready for that moment? Half the battle is showing up and putting yourself in a position to win.
Now: When will I move? Where will I move? I’m looking at Downtown LA. And this summer. Y’all know I’ve been complaining about my apartment for months, so it’s way past time.
Wish me luck! And if you have any recs on how to move cross country….holla!
Love & Light,
Images: Elton Anderson
Wearing a Tammy Rivera Signature Swimsuit (sold out) and Tnemnroda Shield Sunglasses.