Ever really wanted a promotion or a job and not get it? Or really wanted to be in a relationship with someone and it didn’t work out?
Everything that doesn’t go according to your plan is clearing the way for GOD’s plan.
When I was in college, I had this notion of going to Burkina Faso, which was one of the poorest nations in the world at the time. I wanted to be stripped of materialistic stuff and get to a place of pure, simple meditation and focus on my fellow man. I’m not really one who is known to ‘rough it,’ but I proceeded to apply for grants anyway. Nothing came through. Instead, I was offered a summer internship in Paris, where I would meet the man who would one day offer me an apartment to live in when I decided to move there several years later. You never know what the good LORD has in store for you when you are willing to let go of your plans in favor of his.
I could really go on and on about the things I’ve wanted in life that thankfully didn’t work out. The letters of interest to Vogue, Marie Claire, and People Style Watch that flew straight into the recycling bin. Men I thought I wanted to marry who turned out to be con artists (paging T.J. If you haven’t read The Bomb Life yet, dive right on in to Chapter 9). Everything that doesn’t work out how you wanted it to is clearing the way for something better.
It’s great to set goals and it’s great to want things. But if something doesn’t work out the way you wanted it to, it’s ok. Just know that the Universe has other, bigger, better plans for you that just might blow your mind.
Love & Light,
*I’m wearing a BFyne Esseni swim cover up on the street because I’m a G! All these people kept telling me it was dragging on the ground, but I didn’t care! Let my train drag!!
In Bomb Life 101/ Claire's Life/ Featured/ Style
The Bomb Life 101: When You Look Back, It Will All Make Sense (Let Go of Your Plan to Allow GOD’s Plan) Wearing a BFyne Striped Esseni Cover Up