I first met Arian Simone, CEO of Fearless Mag and Public Relations guru, while on a shoot for Ford during Essence Black Women in Hollywood.
Her story of bootstrapping her career, going from sleeping in a car to working with greats such as Will Packer, Chris Brown, and more, was inspiring–and reminded me a lot of myself. We got along swimmily and were each other’s ‘wing women’ during the BWIH festivities, acting as each other’s camera woman while snapping every minute.
I went behind the lens for her, and she did the same for me. One hand washed the other. It was effortless.
Arian also has a ‘make it happen’ attitude. What started off as us just catching up over brunch on a slow Saturday in Atlanta became a 50’s inspired shoot. I am sometimes tres lazay when it comes to photo shoots. I literally go where I’m going and take pix there. But inspired by my polka dotted Nichole Lynel ensemble (that is sadly now sold out), Arian had the idea for us to shoot at a diner.
She even tried to call in an old school car, but one wasn’t available. But just like that, her thoughts became reality, and we found a vintage Mercedes Benz in the parking lot that belonged to the owner of the diner. And look at GOD–it was the perfect cherry red color to offset our black and white outfits.
Align yourself with women who inspire you, support you, and push you to go that extra mile.
We’ll be collaborating soon. Stay tuned.
Love & Light,
*Also, wear women who inspire you!
For the day, I wore Nichole Lynel, whose whole collection is dope! And also Simone I Smith, whose hoops I absolutely love. Hair was from Virgin Hair Depot, owned by another bomb business woman, Ariaka Autry. And the list goes on and on.
Support bomb women! If you can support them, do so! All the goodness flows right back to ya.
Trust me:)