It’s day (?) of New York Fashion Week! I had a long day on Day 5, popping into Tracy Reese’s Spring 2018 presentation and the Denibi show. It all went down on a Sunday, so I kept my look somewhat casual in a Gabrielle Union x New York and Company jacket, Frame Denim jeans, and Manolo Blahnik pumps.
I brought out the crystals in my shoes with large BCBG earrings and Dior sunglasses.
I spent the daytime taking in shows, and happily sat next to Julee Wilson, June Ambrose, her daughter Summer Chamberlin, and Sevyn Streeter.
A young woman named @ConaviaW asked me on Instagram, “Hey Claire, I think it would be a great idea to write a blog post about NYFW and tips for beginners and first timers that are attending or tips to getting into the shows or the real preparation and connections that you have to make in advance. For me I found it rather difficult when I don’t receive invites from bigger brands since I’m not a blogger just micro from Instagram. Just an idea, it will be a great one.”
I responded, “You might be surprised that even big bloggers with brands with over a million followers (me) also don’t get invites to big shows. It takes time and there are politics. My advice would be to work hard, be resourceful, and don’t take anything personally. Also don’t attach too much importance to being in the room. NYFW is great for networking, connecting and getting interviews. If you just want to see the show, save yourself the trouble and watch from home.”
I’d add that the shows I go to now are with designers I’ve built relationships with over the years, and with PR companies that are familiar and appreciate Fashion Bomb Daily. It’s undoubtedly harder as a beginner, but do what you can with what you have. When I first went to NYFW, I had one invitation, and I made the most of it. Because I couldn’t get invites off the strength of my brand alone, I got a job as a freelancer for Italian Vogue, and was going to 30 shows per city (which was definitely too much)!
After leaving Italian Vogue, I went back to only working for Fashion Bomb Daily, and getting a smattering of invitations. I would say that if you have a smaller site but want more invites, try working for a larger brand or publication that has access. Otherwise, know that as the emails say, space is super limited. Keep working hard, but don’t take things personally. Just work, consistently, year after year, and you will one day make it in.
Trust me:)