Happy Sunday!
So the past few days have been ROUGH.

Don’t let the smile fool ya
I’ve been dreaming of relaunching Fashion Bomb Daily in the form of other slick, happening websites for quite a few months now, and have been working with a team of designers to give readers something fresh and new in time for Fashion Week.

In addition to writing for Vogue.it (yes, I still have a million jobs like a true Caribbean), I’ve been running around the city in Christian Louboutin So Kate heels (another crazy move), attending shows and luncheons, fielding e-mails, calls, and texts from advertisers and friends who have NO idea how busy I am, and trying to keep the blog updated. Any normal human being wouldn’t have the bandwidth to deal with a non functioning site on top of it all. It’s been a tough, trying time, but I think things are now moving in a positive direction.
I took one day off to sleep, catch up on work, and regroup about the redesign. I’m feeling refreshed (and am even updating the Bomb Life!), so life…is good. There are always trials and tribulations. When you feel like giving up, just push forward. You can stumble, but you don’t have to fall.
At any rate, behold my Day 1 ensemble: a Helmut Lang Strata Blazer and the Matching Pants. I played down the prints with an American Apparel Sheer Blouse and basic (painful) black pumps.
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As I was reading comments from readers saying they hated the new site and would never visit again, I thought to myself: there’s a lesson in this. The lesson is…keep it simple. Don’t change things too drastically. And definitely don’t change them during a time when you have to be focused on just doing your (many) job(s).
I could see myself talking on a panel about this situation in a few months, once the storm passes. There’s always a way to make lemonade out of lemons.
Just be creative.
And take care of yourself.
*Just for fun, check out a few pix I snapped that day from a Harlem’s Fashion Row Luncheon…
And with Fashion Bomb readers in and around Lincoln Center:
Seeing your lovely, smiling faces lets me know I’m doing something right;)
**I currently have ZERO plans to change the design of TheBombLife.com! Rejoice!