I’m a busy bee. Yesterday, after a bunch of meetings, I decided to get glam and go to a ‘Hustle’ party, sponsored by Ciroc and hosted by Lala Anthony.
The night celebrated Lala’s Hustle, and I must admit, she has an impressive resume! She went from being an intern at a radio station, to a VJ, host, mother, wife, author, actress, entrepreneur, and all around star. Lala’s hustle is real; I can’t help but respect her grind!
Fittingly, the room was filled with movers and shakers, and the guest list was expertly curated so that people in the room could build and learn from each other. I’ve been running around quite a bit and wanted nothing more than to snuggle under my down comforter, but I went and I’m glad I did. It’s crazy how you can say you want to do something and then the opportunity just falls into your lap.
To wit, Ty Hunter is co-hosting the next Cocktails with Claire (you heard it here first), and we were brainstorming who could be our special celebrity guest host. As I was walking through the crowd last night, our potential celeb host’s publicist introduced himself to me and gave me his card to get in touch! If that’s not fate, I don’t know what is.
It’s easy to sleep, but when it’s go season, GO. Of course it’s impossible to go to everything and there are a few events I wish I had the energy to go to, but just pick the ones you’re most drawn to. You never know.
Though it is 64 degrees, in NYC, I’m ready for fur, so wore a new vest from Duckie Confetti and RockStar jeans from KWatersFashions.com (can you believe we connected via Snapchat?)!
I get a new coat or vest every year from Duckie. I’m gonna miss them when I move down South or out West or wherever I end up next…