Growing up, I never had one ‘official’ mentor. My first mentor was my brother, who encouraged me to apply to Harvard, and helped guide me along the application process. After him, there’s not one person I could pinpoint as my big M ‘Mentor.’ Just loads of women who were cool with taking my phone calls, meeting up for coffee, or responding to an email when I had a question.
Now as a small business owner and an entrepreneur, sometimes I kick rocks that Fashion Bomb Daily doesn’t have a big investor. I KNOW that the industry can be unkind to women of color. Suede, Honey, and so many more magazines geared towards us have had trouble keeping the lights on because the industry does not believe in our demographic. With low overheads, bootstrapping, and pluck, Fashion Bomb Daily has been able to survive and thrive. No, we have never had an investor. But there are so many women who have come to Cocktails & Conversations with Claire, bought tickets, purchased vendor booths, offered sponsorship, flown me in, and had me as an ambassador that all those little investments add up.
Sure one big check would be great, but those small pledges help us keep going, and for that I am grateful.
I was going to title this “A Thank You Note to Women,” because it hasn’t only been black women who have sponsored me or FBD. But, we know black women get a bad wrap. Everyone says we don’t support each other. That we’re competitive and catty. That we’re crabs in a barrel. Yes, in some cases, that is true. But a shift is happening where some of us are realizing that we can get further if we support each other. I am a testament to that.
I say this as I reflect on Pamela Ellis flying me down to Houston and having me speak at her wonderful event. As I think about Psyche Terry tapping me to be in her lingerie campaign. Kim Blackwell inviting me to speak on panels. June Ambrose moderating Conversations with Claire. Rasheeda opening her store to me to sign books. And on and on.
They don’t have to do it, but they do, and each gesture fuels me and fuels them. It’s beautiful.
And for that, I say ‘Thank You.’
Sometimes we want one big ‘MENTOR’ when we benefit from many. Sometimes we want one big investment without realizing how many hundreds of investments we’ve already received.
I am appreciative, humbled, and grateful.
And with that, I leave you with Love & Light,