Happy New Year, Bombers and Bombshells!
Yesterday, I was blessed to attend my very first Golden Globes awards as a guest of Moet USA!

Moet & Chandon is the official Champagne of the Golden Globes! Each Year, Moet & Chandon invites Golden Globe nominees to raise a toast to support their favorite charities with Moet Minis with their philanthropic initiative, Toast for a Cause. Moët donates $1,000 in the nominee’s name to their charity of choice for every toast raised.

It was a blessing and an honor to see so many actors and actresses I admire, gathered in one place in gilded, glittery glory! I definitely felt as if I was breathing rare air and savored every moment (and sip of Moet!).

For the occasion, I wore a dress by Bahamian designer Valentino Omar, Casadei heels, and a Loriblu clutch. What a fabulous way to kick off the year, no?

What do you think?