The Bomb Life

3 In Bomb Life 101/ Christian Louboutin/ Claire's Life/ Style

The Bomb Life 101: Boss Up! Wearing These Pink Lips by Iris Barbee Bonner

Yesterday, I co-hosted a fashion show with Rae Holliday and Power 105.1’s Angela Yee.
9  these pink lips fashion bomb daily claire sulmers  rae holliday angela yee
The headlining designer, Iris Barbee Bonner of These Pink Lips, was gracious enough to design one of her signature graffiti suits for me.
claire sulmers fashion bomb daily These Pink Lips by Iris Barbee Bonner
Though Iris’s designs can be racy (take a look at the words on her jumpsuit!) I made it clear to her that I didn’t want any profanity; instead I wanted to decorate my ensemble with powerful words like Boss, Girl Power, Leader, Success, and Fashion Bomb (of course).
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Though the suit literally screams power, I can admit: there are times when I don’t feel powerful. I get scared and nervous…I doubt and 2nd guess myself a lot more than you might imagine. For example: I was nervous to co-host the event! Thankfully, Angela was super sweet and basically coached me through the event, offering encouraging words, telling me to just have fun, and to not overthink it!
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There comes a point, however, when getting scared and 2nd guessing yourself gets old. Don’t be scared. Don’t worry. BOSS UP!
4  claire sulmers these pink lips christian louboutin pumps fashion bomb daily boss
I always start to think: What would Oprah Do? What would Beyoncé do? I’m sure both have had to deal with their bouts of nerves, but they’re now so (seemingly) confident in their skin, they know: I GOT THIS. I can do this. I’ve been preparing for this. I am capable. And I’m gonna kill it.
1  claire sulmers these pink lips christian louboutin pumps fashion bomb daily boss
Confidence takes a while to build, especially when venturing into new territory.
Of course practice makes perfect, which is why I frequently accept invitations to host events and speak on panels. I hope that one day I’ll get to the point when I can wave goodbye to pre-performance jitters and just strut on any stage without a drop of anxiety.
8  these pink lips iris barbee bonner fashion bomb daily claire sulmers
I’m a work in progress. But I’m getting there:)

Love and Light!

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